Monday, November 21, 2011

Beware!' Work' can make you miss beautiful things in life....

Recently, one of my friends took a daring decision of quitting her job to take care of her family. I call it a daring decision because not many girls want to do it today for the fear of 'many things'. I happened to chat with her sometime few weeks ago and realized, there were so many things to learn from her. She worked in an IT industry and one fine day she decided to quit and stay a home maker to the satisfaction of herself. She said she used to feel very insulted initially, when any one called her a house wife. But then she said as she introspected more, she realized she was having a much more peaceful and independent life now. She said to me, " I realized how all these days, I had been under a mask with a false identity. She also expressed, "for some weeks after I quit my job I felt I do not have an identity till I realized How dumb of me to think that being a software engineer is my identity....!

A conversation with her has made me think and as I recalled this story 'Forty five a month' from Malgudi days....I realized 'we' are all cowards clad in a false outfit.

For those who have not read 'Malgudi days', you can watch this short story, here:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

In this beautiful story RKN has effectively expressed how work can drive us crazy and make us miss those beautiful little things in life. I just loved it!

Monday, February 28, 2011

With the limited thinking ability, why do we try to analyse HER??!

A mother takes her child for an outing. The child is adamant to have an attractive sweet from a road side shop. The mother warns the child that it is not made in good oil and will upset the stomach. But the child is very adamant and continues throwing tantrums in the middle of the road and finally the mother yields to her son's wish. She gets the the sweet at last for her son. The child is happy and relishes the sweet joyfully.
A couple of days later, the child suffers from a severe stomach pain, high fever and heavy diarrhea. Mom is panicky. She runs to the doctor immediately, runs up and down to the chemist and laboratories carrying the child. She hardly sleeps. Until the child gets well, she also undergoes the pain along with the child. And because of the mother's touch the child experiences 'no pain' that it would have had otherwise. There is infection, there are symptoms, there is pain; but the child does not 'FEEL THE PAIN'!

Now, as a passive observer of this incident, can WE blame the mother for the 'pain' the child undergoes? or can we blame the child's ignorance for the 'pain' it undergoes?

The mother knew that this would happen. But the child was adamant. The mother yielded. But again when the child was in pain, it is mother to his rescue!

People who see the child feel sorry for the child looking at 'his state'! But the child has no pain because he is in his mother's arms always! You can pity the child, blame the mother, because you also love the child....But remember that "YOU CAN'T LOVE THE CHILD MORE THAN HIS MOTHER!"

'Infact, When the child did not eat the sweet, he was normal, he was 'painless'.
But now he is enjoying the pleasure of his mother's cuddle!'

Ipadithaan, Ammavala sila vishyangala thadukka mudinjalum, sila samayam Ava thadukradhila. Aana kashta padumbodhu adha Ava vedikka pakradhum illa! Adhunala.... AMMA mela kova padradhla arthame illa!