Monday, November 21, 2011

Beware!' Work' can make you miss beautiful things in life....

Recently, one of my friends took a daring decision of quitting her job to take care of her family. I call it a daring decision because not many girls want to do it today for the fear of 'many things'. I happened to chat with her sometime few weeks ago and realized, there were so many things to learn from her. She worked in an IT industry and one fine day she decided to quit and stay a home maker to the satisfaction of herself. She said she used to feel very insulted initially, when any one called her a house wife. But then she said as she introspected more, she realized she was having a much more peaceful and independent life now. She said to me, " I realized how all these days, I had been under a mask with a false identity. She also expressed, "for some weeks after I quit my job I felt I do not have an identity till I realized How dumb of me to think that being a software engineer is my identity....!

A conversation with her has made me think and as I recalled this story 'Forty five a month' from Malgudi days....I realized 'we' are all cowards clad in a false outfit.

For those who have not read 'Malgudi days', you can watch this short story, here:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

In this beautiful story RKN has effectively expressed how work can drive us crazy and make us miss those beautiful little things in life. I just loved it!


  1. Gr8 that u have started blogging again!!One way u are rite..As we rush into life managing work and home we are not able to do justice to both to our roles with satisfaction..An intelligent balance between both is necessary..So that the lady also gets to express her hithero unexpressed talents as a house wife at work while supporting herself financially and still discharges her role as the lady of the house to her satisfaction..For the philosophical explanation hit on the address bar

  2. True and hats off to our moms who really did it! I really admire them!
