Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Malarum ninaivugal!

I had to drop my mother in the temple and go to Ganapathi nagar yesterday. I went through Vibhuthi street. Sometimes, it is really amazing that a road, a board can just rekindle the past so much. As I crossed the 'Parthasarathy hotel' and the house next to it, memories poured in. I wanted to stop and take a photo of it with my mobile camera, for this blog. But vehicles behind were honking. So had to move on.

But those were days which I don't think will ever come back in life. Days when I studied with my brother together the whole day, where we charted out plans for the day, for the week and for the semester.......! How hard we worked, but still with so much joy. Oh, nostalgic!


  1. Thanks Lalith for the post. Certain thoughts transfix us, instantly. Wish to re-walk through that lane of my life, next time I come to TCY. Akila akka's temple was my second home... I am just not able to rein in the flood of memories... Whoever termed the cliche - "good old days" - termed it with a good old reason...!! We should meet at the temple followed by a breakfast at Parthasarathy.. Aunty, you, Agal and me. This thought itself warms my heart and salivates my tongue..

    1. Thanks Bhaiyya! Yeah, we should do that once! Awaiting eagerly for such an opportunity!

  2. Nice post...It is wonderful when some day a lane makes us walk back the memory lane

  3. very true...and everyone gets that day at some point :-)!
